My Quilt #1 ~ Katie’s Quilt 1999

Katie’s Quilt 1999

I consider this to be my first quilt, even though it took me nine years to finally complete it.  

I've always loved quilting, and my first project was a Rail Fence block quilt. I started it in 1990 when I signed up for a quilting class at the "House of Fabrics" (now Joann's), but I stopped going after only two sessions. I had cut out the strips and pieced a few blocks though, so I saved them and put them in a box that I stored in a closet. 

“It’s Okay to Spit On My Quilt”

Six years later, when we moved from L.A. to Corona, the box came with me and was promptly stored away and forgotten. Years later, I was doing some housekeeping when I came across the box, much to my delight. I decided I was going to finish the quilt I started so many years ago.

Love you, Katie!  Always, Grandma

It is made with a simple Rail Fence block. It has 64 blocks and measures 53” square. I thought it was the perfect size for my granddaughter, Katherine Noel, who was born in December 1999.


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