My Quilts #15 – #21 ~ Project Linus 2001

This is a group of 7 quilts for Project Linus 2001, and the second set I’ve donated … that’s a total of 13 quilts so far.  The patterns for most of these quilts were made from Ursula Reikes’ baby quilt books: Quilts for Baby and More Quilts for Baby.

[Sorry about the poor quality of the pictures … I no longer have the original digital pictures, and these were scanned from a printed page.]

We will never forget 2001.  It was the year we lost our innocence and learned that we were not invincible.  But we also learned that we are a strong nation and the tragic event of 9/11 made us stronger.  Together we stand.

The whole nation pulled together, and everyone wanted to do something.  Project Linus sent out an urgent request for baby blankets, and the Riverside-Corona chapter immediately stepped up to the plate.

Project Linus blanketeers are the best and hundreds of baby blankets flooded our local chapter.  However, each chapter was responsible for getting their blankets to a central Pennsylvania location where the quilts would be distributed.  Unfortunately, the cost of transporting these blankets was exorbitant.  So, how to do this?

Kudos to DH who secured transportation for the quilts via Old Dominion Freightline, who generously donated space in one of their trucks heading back East.

It still brings a sense of pride and emotion to remember how our nation pulled together and how strong our American spirit is.


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