My Quilt #4 ~ Stella’s Quilt 2000

Mock Log Cabin ~ June 2000

I made this quilt from 3-inch squares that I obtained from swaps on the Internet between 1999-2000. I originally swapped the 3-inch squares to make a Y2K quilt, but I had so much fun swapping with other quilters from across the nation that I had more than enough squares to make two quilts. These squares represent the “rejects” that I decided not to put into my official Y2K quilt (I’m still working on that one!). This is not a “charm” quilt as many of the squares are from my own stash and are repeated throughout.

The quilt is 6’10” x 8’ and has 120 nine-patch blocks (10 columns across by 12 rows down). Each block has a black square in the middle. Each patch has two half-squares and the “log cabin” effect is created by the placement of the light and dark values of each block.

I was inspired to create this quilt from a quilt I saw in a quilting magazine.  The design caught my eye, and it seemed easy enough, so I thought "Why not!"

I love the way this quilt came out, and it was the first quilt I ever gave to my DD.  It was supposed to take the place of the log cabin quilt I made in 1999.  She, of course, ended up with both quilts!


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